They build plans that support families to pay back some debts or go into insolvency and then eventually get them out of debt – they adjust the plans if circumstances change and don’t leave until the family is debt-free. They have no pressure on the audience being Christian and offer prayer services, but there is no pushing towards this and they accept families of all kinds.
Life Skills - Learn how to live well on a limited budget.
Fresh Start - Get support to face challenge of overcoming a life-controlling habit.
Job Club - Employment support.
Self-referrals only, but we can help! Their referral service is by direct contact – they don’t take third party referrals but we can be with the parents; the parents just have to make the initial call. They check the client’s postcode and then find a local debt coach and book an appointment with them to gather info and then start building a debt plan if the client agrees – it’s a completely free service but they do pay to CAP who help them pay their debts and keep a little bit of savings for themselves.
Service criteria: The criteria for their services is that they must have some form of income, be it earned income or benefits and they cannot help self-employed people due to difficulties around NI and tax. They need to be able to work with the whole household, not just one partner in order to build an effective support plan
Hemel Hempstead
Centre manager: Owen Cooper Also run CAP Life Skills and Fresh Start
Centre manager: Phil Jackson Also run CAP Life Skills and Job Club