Walk The Walk CIC

Family Support & Edge Of Care Services

86% Success Rate Keeping Families Together
(April 2022 - March 2023)
Have Peace Of Mind That Your Referals Are In Good Hands

Creating Efficiency Savings For Your Organisation

On average for every £1.00 the Local Authority/London Borough spends with our organisation whilst we work with the family, they create a minimum of £25.00 an hour efficiency saving within their placement budget. 

Our organisation provides families with the tools and confidence to continue the work after we have finished working alongside them. 
This leads to further efficiency savings across statutory services.

Are You Ready To Be More Efficient & Save?

Increase positive emotional wellbeing

Improved relationships and communication

Cessation of child to parent abuse

Cessation of anti-social behaviours

We Offer A Full & Complete Service

We work with families in your local area who are in crisis and require support to prevent family conflict and breakdown.

Child To Parent Abuse

Challenging Attitudes

Antisocial Behaviour

Issues At School

Peer Pressure

Family Breakdowns

Mental Health

Domestic Abuse

Bullying Issues

Sexual Exploitation

What Our Clients Have To Say

Bringing Families Together

Helping To Keep Families Together

Providing a tailored family support service. Our Family Support Workers provide professional face to face and telephone support, agreeing and setting boundaries and targets together in order to improve holistic outcomes within the family.

How We Do It

Workers from WTW spend quality time within the home to enable them to understand the presenting behaviours within the family unit and to identify solutions to improve family life. This will include role playing, family mediation, focussed visits to capture the voice of the child/ren as well as the parents and meaningful activities to gain trust and build relationships. The journey of the family is captured in our bespoke processes entitled ‘Voice of the Family’ and ‘Voice of the Child’ to support the programme and accurately record the impact that HPPP has achieved.

Professional Referrals

Ready To Refer A Family To Us?

Meet Our Amazing Team

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